We are and exciting, educational collective with a focus on providing an amazing, unique, and unforgettable learning experience for all ages! Though our selection of programs with an emphasis on the philosophy of S.T.E.A.M. (Science. Technology. Art and. Mathematics) We’ve devised programs where curious minds can have fun while learning new facts and gaining new skills!

If you’re ready to learn and ready for a great time please feel free to contact us with any questions in regards to our programs, booking availability, and to let us know how to cater our show to make your event as amazing as possible! Thank you!


Please remain patient while our website is under construction!


For questions and info please email us at

Featured Programs!

Scales and S.T.E.A.M.
One of the bay areas fun and most informative presentations! This is an intergraded learning experience with real live reptiles! Learn more than you would from any documentary by meeting these critters in person and create your own most excellent artwork while we get to know these most misunderstood creatures! With dacades of experience out fabulous reptile handler will tell you everything you need to know about some of the coolest animals on the planet earth with an emphasis on environmentalism.

This program tends to last for about 60-90 minutes on average and consists of an informational segment, a Q&A, as well as hands on interaction with our tame and friendly animals! This program is great for birthday parties classrooms and other events!

Recommended for all ages!

Comes with coloring pages and a sample of real snake skin!
(while supplies last)

We understand that not everyone is as jazzed about giant snakes as we are, so we have two separate programs available to book where you can interact with and observe the animals youre most comfortable with

Little Lizard Learners - 250$
45-60 minute presentation about 5 small reptiles
Ages 3+

S.T.E.A.M. & SCALES - 350$
60-90 minute presentation about 10 amazing reptiles
Ages 6+

*Travel fees may apply


During this program we learn all about the T.E.A. That stands technology, engenieering and art! Our goal will be to create beautiful electronic music with unexpected items such as bananas, shoes, and more! But how does one make music with a shoe!? In this program we’re gonna find out! We’re also going to use our creative minds to reuse and recycle common household items like jars and bottles to create our very own “Plant Punks!” with a plant cutting and some clay gravel we can take almost any container and turn it into a beautiful work of art that constantly grows through the magic of photosynthesis.
This program is perfect for smaller groups who love to create!
Also a fantastic rainy day activity!
This program tends to run for about 60 minutes and we ask that you hold onto washed recyclable containers such as sauce jars, bottles, and crafting supplies to make “plant punks” with. But we will bring surplus containers while supplies last.
Crafting items such as glue ,googley eyes, glitter etc. will be provided.

Reccommended for ages 8+
COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mathmatical Object Manipulation Madness!

How many balls can you juggle in the air at once!? Have you ever wondered how card tricks work? How do the people who perform with fire keep from burning themselves! Well the trick is all in the numbers! in this program we explore how keeping beats and counting cards can fool the mind! By hands on prop manipulation we’ll enhance out hand eye coordination, burn some calories and engage our minds. We’ll learn how to juggle, spin poi, and learn card tricks in this program.

This program tends to run for about 60 minutes and is great for large groups and classes. We get started learning how to spin poi! a prop used by dancers now but was traditionally a mauri weapon poi is a great way to exercise and stay active! Then we’ll learn how to juggle! Counting our tosses as we go while learning a fun new skill! We finally wrap things up with a couple calm beginner card tricks that anyone can learn!

Reccomended for ages 7+
COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!